Monday, September 21, 2009 @6:37 AM
hi everyone! sorry bout the many changes regarding our dear class chalet.there are several things we need to incorporate:> the time the guys enter the ns in their fancy green outfits> our kmany many differently timed holidays thanks to the many crossroads and options offered by the education system, that's why there are a range of dates to um,vote i guess, will be 3d2n so either: > 26th - 31st of dec or> 8th - 10th janpls sms,email or contact us (class comm 06/07) somehow to tell us 1.which dates are good (any 3 days)2. and if the other dates you dissed are because you're not gonna be in town.those would really help us include as many many many peeps as possible,dont we all miss each other??right.i'm sorry this comes during some of our exams,pls tell us asap though so we can book the best place k?and and and pls spread the word cuz we dont have the numbers of all 43 4f pplthanks :]